Generosity – One of the Traits of a Successful Practice

I have the privilege of working with many great practices and one trait that they all have in common is their generosity to their patients, team members and community.

One example of this “pay it forward” philosophy is an exceptional practice that gives each team member $100 to give away each Christmas.  There are no strings attached.  Each person gives the $100 how they feel lead and then reports back to the group how they spent their money.  The stories range from helping a family who lost their job to a care basket for a homeless person.

The process brings the team together, provides good “chicken soup for the soul,” and empowers each person to fill a need that they see.

I think the benefits good beyond that, too.   A practice that not only talks about being a good corporate citizen but also “walk the walk” tells team members that they are part of a business that they can truly be proud of – a business that trusts their judgement and values people.  Trust and value are two of the cornerstones of a winning team.