The mitigation efforts brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have allowed us to pause our hectic lives and spend time reflecting and resetting in some critical areas and by using some pointed questions:
- Financial – What is the status of our reserves? Are we spending every dollar wisely? Are our investments reaping rewards and benefits?
- Processes – how effective and efficient are our processes? Are there simpler ways to do things that save time, effort, and money?
- Packaging – how does our brand look at every contact point? Website, emails, signage, printed materials, facility, attire, and more.
- Development – how are we making time and financial investments in the development of the team in terms of their competency, knowledge, and fulfillment?
- Relationships – Are we investing time and energy into renewing and reinvigorating relationships at all levels of our lives?
The extra time gave us a chance to get caught up and purge.
We had a chance to reassess our priorities and find a new direction.
We articulated, reaffirmed, and in some cases re imagined our vision for ourselves and our work.
We found a new gratitude for the things in our lives that make us happy and whole.
During this great pause, we rediscovered ourselves.